Thursday, December 31, 2009

Believe in this, we'll make it last baby

Eve.Eve.Eve.Eve. What are your plans for Eve my fellow friends! Boardshorts + tee heading down to Sentosa to catch the fireworks display like last year! though I can't be at the siloso beach party, I hope I still will have fun. I will be there enjoying the music when 23 sep 2010 comes! One more thing, happy seventeen birthday poh!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Spend X'mas eve exchanging gifts and I got a Piggybank. How do you feel when you got a umbrella for a x'mas present??!?! number 7!!!! *inside joke* Hope you guys had a wonderful christmas!
Forlick's very very interesting..Yogurt ice-cream. Try it!!! Spend X'mas with Farihin,Fendi & United Colours of Benetton workers @ newton for supper! I'm so looking forward to a new year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who started it this time round

F A R K - I T !

Save tonight

Totally cool pic. The best picture we both had ever taken after so many years! hahahaa.
Shisha on Saturday was great.
It's fun meeting up someone whom you had not been going out with since long. I got myself a MARTHUR FARKER T-SHIRT @ Clubmarc!
Where should I hold X'mas exchange gift on the 24th?!?!?! Ideas? I wanna do it where it's easy for everybody to make their way there.. So yea.
Butterfact tomorrow! Goodnight!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

No more brotherly-love for two weeks

Gonna miss you bro. Looking forward to your return, on 24th Dec.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fun Taiwan

I'm back. Taiwan was really awesome. I really loved it alot. I ate a lot over there. My stomach's growing bigger and bigger every single day. For the past 7 days, I've been waking up 6am everyday!!!! Going overseas with tour's pretty boring. But it turned out brillant when I got to know cool friends. Friends in the same tour. Terence,Brandon,Ty,Wanye.... Great.
Lowest temp. was 10 degrees celcius.
More pictures @ fb.
Bro's going to NS on 11th :(

P/s: I had fun in Taiwan Ezzati. Hope you're having great time in Aussie..