Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well, results are back. & Some were deadly not expected man!
Here are almost all the results:
English Paper 2: 50/80
Chinese: 54/100
Chemistry: 60/100
Physics: 45/100
Mathemactics: 53/100
Geography: 60/100

So how fairly do you think i did? Personally, its SHIT man.....all crap
I expected much better results! & I failed a subject & im having dispute about this effing subject! but....dang man! i really don't know.
When i recieve my English results i swear i was in total disgust man! i didn't have mood for anything after that.
Im really down man...I dont CARE even if its Mid-year or what-so-ever! It plays a part of my learning process.
BIG SIGH MAN! im disppointed in myself.
Those photographs were taken quite some time ago, & i didnt have time to post it up though.There are quite a few more. But its getting late I better bounce....

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